Context property works in QQmlApplicationEngine but not in QQmlEngine.
Because I cannot save/load position of ApplicationWindow correctly, on X11 I have decided to use QMainWindow as base window application but I am stuck with context properties.
Here you can see how I set the context properties in my main.cpp file.In the following is how I declared in QMainWindow constructor:
QQuickWidget *view = new QQuickWidget(); QQmlEngine *engine = view->engine(); connect(engine, SIGNAL(quit()), this, SLOT(close())); QQmlContext *context = engine->rootContext(); Util util; SettingsController settingsController; engine->addImageProvider(QLatin1String("customimage"), new CustomImageProvider()); engine->addImageProvider(QLatin1String("fontimage"), new FontImageProvider()); context->setContextProperty("util", &util); context->setContextProperty("settingsController", &settingsController); context->setContextProperty("applicationPath", "file://" + qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/"); registerQmlType(); if (Util::osType() == "android") view->setSource(QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:/main-android.qml"))); else view->setSource(QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:/main-desktop.qml"))); if (QFile::exists(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/maintenancetool")) { QThread thread; ThreadWorker *threadWorker = new ThreadWorker(); threadWorker->moveToThread(&thread); QObject::connect(&thread, SIGNAL(finished()), threadWorker, SLOT(deleteLater())); QObject::connect(threadWorker, SIGNAL(updateSearchFinished()), &thread, SLOT(quit())); thread.start(); threadWorker->updaterTimerStart(); } view->show(); view->setResizeMode(QQuickWidget::SizeRootObjectToView); view->setClearColor(Qt::transparent); setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); loadSettings(); setCentralWidget(view); setMinimumHeight(150); setMinimumWidth(140);
My issue is that when I call method of object declared as context property("util" in my example) I get TypeError: Cannot call method '<any-method-here>' of null, while "applicationPath" property works correctly.
Methods are marked as Q_INVOKABLE.
Any ideeas on what am I doing wrong?
U r creating stack objects in constructor. All these objects are destroyed once the constructor is over. Create dynamic object & things should work.
@dheerendra is correct. The string works because it's not a pointer or reference but is copied and becomes a javascript string by automatic C++/QML type conversion. However, I don't know what dheerendra means by "dynamic", maybe that they can be heap objects; you can have the objects also as direct members of your main window class without pointers and new. That would be better modern C++ style unless you need to reach the parent main window object from your objects. -
@dheerendra and @Eeli-K thank you for your answers it helped :).
@Eeli-K he reffers to instantiate the object with the "new" operator.
In my constructor, as an example:Util *util = new Util();
works correctly.