Drag And Drop tableWidget to tableWidget Item Moved Has No Effect
General and Desktop
Hello guys.
I'm doing drag and drop.
When I take item one from the other does not have the effect.
- In this picture I want to move the selected item on dlgGroups table And I want to see this item at the moment of transition. How I Can this?
- After Drop I dont Need item named "new" wont have active border.
void dlgGroups::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { QTableWidget::dragEnterEvent(event); } void dlgGroups::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { QTableWidget::dragMoveEvent(event); } void dlgGroups::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event) { QTableWidget::dragLeaveEvent(event); } void dlgGroups::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { if (event->source() != m_table){ return; } QTableWidgetItem *currentITEM = this->currentItem(); int currentUID = this->item(this->currentRow(), 0)->text().toInt(); QTableWidgetItem *m_item = this->itemAt(event->pos()); if (!(m_item)) { return; } if (m_item->row() == 0) { // Is Top Level Item QMessageBox::information(0, "Daxi SMS Sender", "?? ??????? ??? ?????????"); return; } int CUID = m_table->item(m_table->currentRow(), 1)->text().toInt(); int GroupUID = this->item(m_item->row(), 0)->text().toInt(); //Check User if Used std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > my_vector = globalall->myMap[GroupUID]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < my_vector.size(); i++) { std::pair<int, int> pr = my_vector[i]; if (CUID == pr.second){ this->setCurrentIndex(this->model()->index(currentITEM->row(), currentITEM->column())); //this->itemChanged(currentITEM); QMessageBox::information(0, "Daxi SMS Sender", "???????? ???? ???? ?? ???????."); return; } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cellClicked(m_item->row(), m_item->column()); if (globalall->db.open()) { QSqlQuery InsertQry; int LastInsertID = -1; InsertQry.prepare("INSERT INTO ContactGroups(GroupsUID, ContactUID) VALUES (:oGroupsUID, :oContactUID)"); InsertQry.bindValue(":oGroupsUID", GroupUID); InsertQry.bindValue(":oContactUID", CUID); if (InsertQry.exec()) { LastInsertID = InsertQry.lastInsertId().toInt(); emit DeletePreviuousRow(currentUID, CUID); } else { QMessageBox::information(0, "Daxi SMS Sender", "????????? ??? ????????."); return; } QModelIndex index = this->model()->index(m_item->row(), m_item->column()); this->setCurrentIndex(index); Contact *cont = globalall->GetConact(CUID); m_table->insertRow(0); m_table->setItem(0, 0, globalall->GetNewItem(QString::number(LastInsertID), QIcon(""))); m_table->setItem(0, 1, globalall->GetNewItem(cont->UID, QIcon(""))); m_table->setItem(0, 2, globalall->GetNewItem(this->item(m_item->row(), 1)->checkState(), QIcon(""), Qt::CheckStateRole)); m_table->setItem(0, 3, globalall->GetNewItem(cont->Name + " " + cont->FamilyName, QIcon(":/SMSicons/user.png"))); m_table->setItem(0, 4, globalall->GetNewItem(cont->Mobile, QIcon(":/SMSicons/mobile.ico"))); m_table->setItem(0, 5, globalall->GetNewItem(cont->Type ? cont->Identification : cont->PersonID, QIcon(""))); m_table->setRowHeight(0, 23); emit ContactInSerted(this->item(m_item->row(), 0)->text().toInt(), LastInsertID, cont->UID); globalall->db.close(); } }
dlgGroups Constructor:
setMinimumSize(231, 341); setMaximumSize(231, 341); setAcceptDrops(true); setDropIndicatorShown(true); setAutoFillBackground(true); setColumnCount(3); hideColumn(0); setColumnWidth(1, 20); setColumnWidth(2, this->width() - 40); this->verticalHeader()->hide(); setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "" << "" << "?????????? ??????????"); this->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(this, SIGNAL(cellClicked(int,int)), this, SLOT(thiscellClicked(int,int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(thisitemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(thiscustomContextMenuPolicy(QPoint)));
Question 1.
@Taz742 said in Drag And Drop tableWidget to tableWidget Item Moved Has No Effect:In this picture I want to move the selected item on dlgGroups table And I want to see this item at the moment of transition. How I Can this?
I work with this application RDP connection and installed are windows 8.3 I opened my application on windows 10 and Question 1 is worked. i dont know this problem RDP Connection ? Windows 8.3 ?
Now Left Question 2.
@Taz742 said in Drag And Drop tableWidget to tableWidget Item Moved Has No Effect:
After Drop I dont Need item named "new" wont have active border.