where to download Qt for Window x64 mingw?
General and Desktop
i want to download qt window x64 mingw, but, in download.qt.io. i found all the qt for windows are x86?
As there is no "official" x64 Qt for MinGW, you can download the MSYS2 64-bit version and get the complete GNU toolchain as-well-as the complete Qt builds. After doing the initial download of MSYS2, use the pacman command from the bash shell to update your system.
Even though I use a licensed Qt, I still use MSYS2 so I can build with MinGW 64-bit or 32-bit to ensure cross-platform compatability.
The current toolchain contains the following versions
compilers: 7.2.0 both 32-bit and 64-bit
Qt 5.9.1 (built with 7.2.0)
Qt Creator 4.4.0
GDB 8.0.1Enjoy!