How to configure QtCharts withint CMakelist.txt
General and Desktop
There is a fetal error "QtCharts/QChartView: No such file or directory" when running make.
I tried to add Charts to qt5_use_modules, but it reports no such module.
Any other feature works fine in my cmake project. My Qt version is 5.9.1. OS is ubuntu 16.04.Please Help.
Best Regards,
QtCharts is an add-on module. Probably you forgot installing it.
What version of CMake do you have? Something like this should work if you installed the QtCharts add-on and have a recent version of CMake
... # include other modules above find_package(Qt5Charts) . . . add_executable(myapp main.cpp) # Use the Widgets and Charts modules from Qt 5. target_link_libraries(myapp Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Charts)