Saving/Loading properties to/from settings file
I have following problem:
I have Settings View which is made in QML. I want to set colours used in my application. Colour information and all settings are implemented as Q_PROPERTIES in C++ class. Settings are saved to a file.Is there any QML specific way to:
Load data from file - set data in C++ object and in QML element
Set data in QML element and C++ object.
Save data to a file.I know about property binding and QML Binding element, but this probably
not the solution.Maybe I should use normal functions instead of property binding??
My approach is following and it should work:
appSettings is C++ object, representing application settings@
property bool constructing: falseonSelectedSchemaChanged: { console.log("constr " + constructing); } Component.onCompleted: { constructing = true minColorSelector.selectedSchema = appSettings.minMaxSelectedSchema() constructing = false }