QResizeEvent alternative for QQuickItem
QML and Qt Quick
Is that what you mean?
Window { onWidthChanged: console.log("New width: " + width) }
However, QResizeEvent comes from QtGui - QML windows also respond to it. You can probably catch the event on C++ side if you need to.
@sierdzio I should have specified that I need to catch it on c++ side. I have tried overriding event method and catching QResizeEvent but it was never captured.
Code:bool Test::event(QEvent *ev) { if (ev->type() == QEvent::Resize) { QResizeEvent *resizeEvent = static_cast<QResizeEvent *>(ev); qDebug() << resizeEvent; return true; } return QObject::event(ev); }
method to change size:
Q_INVOKABLE void incSize(); void Test::incSize() { setWidth(width() - 1); setHeight(height() - 1); }
qml side, button changes Test's size.
Test { id: tsX width: 100.2 height: 100.2 y: 2 } Button { x: 150 y: 100 text: "check2" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { tsX.incSize() } } }
Resize events happen for windows and widgets, not QQuickItems (I assume Test is a QQuickItem). See the event list from the documentation.
If you want to catch this from C++ side, you need to connect to height/widthChanged() signal, or reimplenent geometryChanged() slot.