[Solved] Can't link to Windows library
Hello all. After much reading and hacking, I have a program that compiles, but doesn't link. The program is the client half of a tcp connection. It complains that it can't find a library:
readevalprintloopthread.obj:-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__freeaddrinfo@4 referenced in function "public: void __thiscall ReadEvalPrintLoopThread::ConnectToServer(void)" (?ConnectToServer@ReadEvalPrintLoopThread@@QAEXXZ)
I have a pure Microsoft solution somebody gave me, and I can make that solution stop building by hiding a certain library, so I think I've found the library it can't find. (WS2_32.lib) I checked my lib path based on this suggestion on the net:
but the lib path seems to be there.
Doesn't anybody know why I can't find this library?
(I'm sure somebody will ask me, so I'll say now: I'm using Microsoft socket facilities and not Qt socket facilities because the objective is to show somebody that I understand Unix/Windows tcp. I wrote it in Qt Creator so I could use the other facilities.)
Regards, Rick
Hi. I made a similarly named post over in General, but I've realized this is a better place for it, and I've figured out a simpler way to ask my question.
Can anybody compile and link this? :
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
struct addrinfo * servinfo = NULL;
return a.exec();
@When I try, I can't link it. :
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__freeaddrinfo@4 referenced in function _main
Regards, Rick
EDIT: please use @-tags for code highlight, Gerolf
Hi. I am using Qt Creator. I suspect that if I could find this LIBS of which you speak, my problems would be over.
I'm willing to say "Qt Creator doesn't handle this correctly. I should go one level lower, closer to the metal, and use qmake." Is that what I should say?
I figured out a way to ask my question more simply, and so I did, over in the Tools forum. Same title.
Regards, Rick
bq. Hi. I made a similarly named post over in General, but I’ve realized this is a better place for it, and I’ve figured out a simpler way to ask my question.
Can anybody compile and link this? :
When I try, I can’t link it. :
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__freeaddrinfo@4 referenced in function _mainI have the same error without change anything but when i add @win32:LIBS += -lWS2_32@ to the .pro file it works fine !!!!
I will use @tags the next time I include code. And I guess two threads for the same topic is considered undesireable. I won't do that again.
Adding the line to ...pro worked. I wasn't aware that I had access to qmake through that file.
This environment is very pleasant. There seem to be fewer unnecessary obstacles than in other environments.
Thanks for your help.