Tweet and QT For Device Creation
Hello everyone,
I follow the Qt-Project on twitter and just recently I got this tweet about How to get started with Qt for Device Creation featuring the 'RaspPi'
It seems rediculously easy to setup. I own a RaPi-2 so I want to do it! :-)
But my creator does not have a lot of the options, featured in the Video.Is this only available if one has the 'Commercial QT For Device Creation licenz'?
And privat/hobby (non profit)users have to setup everything by hand, by following one of the many and complex tutorials on the internet? -
Hi @tekojo , thanks for the anwer!
Damn, I was hoping differntely x), but it is super easy, and in my opinion not promoted enough, before that Tweet I had no idea what Qt For Device Creation would support. I knew it existed, but that was as far as it got.
There's still the 30 day test trial I could use, and I'll contact the support, maybe theres a single/private device license that can be negotiate...