QPainter::drawText doesn't work
I am trying to write a pdf file with QPainter. I have a problem because the drawText function doesn't work. I use drawText and drawImage and the second one works correctly. This is my function code:
void report_tab::on_pdfButton_clicked() { QIcon icon(":/MainIcons/Resources/pdf_pressed_2.png"); icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/MainIcons/Resources/pdf_pressed_2.png")); ui->pdfButton->setIcon(icon); printer.setPageSize(QPrinter::A4); printer.setOrientation(QPrinter::Portrait); printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Save pdf...", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), "PDF (*.pdf)" ); if (!fileName.isNull()) { printer.setOutputFileName(fileName); QImage imagen = imageShot.toImage(); QImage graph = profileShot.toImage(); QImage table = tableShot.toImage(); QImage fileInf = fileInfo.toImage(); QImage generalDat = genData.toImage(); //imagen = imagen.scaled(imagen.width() - 300, imagen.height() - 100); QPainter painter(&printer); QRect rect = painter.viewport(); rect.setSize(QSize(imagen.width(), imagen.height())); QSize size = imagen.size(); size.scale(rect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); double xscale = printer.pageRect().width() / double(imagen.width()*1.19); double yscale = printer.pageRect().height() / double(imagen.height()); double scale = qMin(xscale, yscale); painter.scale(scale, scale); painter.translate(140, 220); QFont font("Courier New"); font.setStretch(QFont::ExtraExpanded); painter.setFont(font); QTextOption options; options.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WordWrap); painter.setPen(Qt::SolidLine); painter.drawText(0, 0, ui->projectLabel->text()); painter.drawImage(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30, imagen); painter.drawImage(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30, fileInf); painter.drawImage(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + fileInf.rect().height() + 30, generalDat); painter.drawImage(imagen.rect().width() - graph.rect().width(), ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30, graph); painter.drawImage(imagen.rect().width() - table.rect().width(), ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30, table); painter.drawText(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30 + table.rect().height() + 30, ui->projectLabel->text()); painter.drawText(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30 + table.rect().height() + 30 + ui->projectLabel->height() + 30, ui->codeLabel->text()); painter.drawText(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30 + table.rect().height() + 30 + ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + ui->codeLabel->height() + 30, ui->dateEdit->text()); painter.drawText(QRectF(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30 + table.rect().height() + 30 + ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + ui->codeLabel->height() + 30 + ui->dateEdit->height() + 30, imagen.width(), 300), ui->descriptionLabel->toPlainText(), options); painter.end(); QIcon icon(":/MainIcons/Resources/pdf.png"); icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/MainIcons/Resources/pdf.png")); ui->pdfButton->setIcon(icon); pdfButtonClicked = false; QMessageBox::information(NULL, "Export PDF", "PDF created.", QMessageBox::Ok); } else { QIcon icon(":/MainIcons/Resources/pdf.png"); icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/MainIcons/Resources/pdf.png")); ui->pdfButton->setIcon(icon); pdfButtonClicked = false; } }
How can I fix this problem? Thank you very much!
Hi @ivanicy
What is it that does not work? No text at all, wrong position, wrong font, wrong whatever?
I have no problem with PDF text output. Well I do not use these options, though:
font.setStretch(QFont::ExtraExpanded); options.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WordWrap);
@ivanicy said in QPainter::drawText doesn't work:
instead ofpainter.setPen(Qt::SolidLine);
peinter.setPen( QPen(Qt::black,1) );
At a short glance this might be the problem, not necessarily though.
Hi @ivanicy
I use Tahoma font, I explicitly set a pen with color via QBrush. I do not explicitly call painter.end(). I do not use QRect textDraw, just positional text draw with QPoint. Nothing special, as it seems.
Which OS, which Qt version anyway?
@raven-worx This give me the same result. No text
I use the drawText function in a QPrintPreviewDialog and the text appears correctly. I don't know why when I want to write a pdf, the text doesn't appear. Here is my QPrintPreviewDialog code:
void report_tab::print(QPrinter *p) { QImage imagen = imageShot.toImage(); QImage graph = profileShot.toImage(); QImage table = tableShot.toImage(); QImage fileInf = fileInfo.toImage(); QImage generalDat = genData.toImage(); //imagen = imagen.scaled(imagen.width() - 200, imagen.height() - 100); QPainter painter(p); QRect rect = painter.viewport(); rect.setSize(QSize(imagen.width(), imagen.height())); QSize size = imagen.size(); size.scale(rect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); double xscale = printer.pageRect().width() / double(imagen.width()*1.19); double yscale = printer.pageRect().height() / double(imagen.height()); double scale = qMin(xscale, yscale); painter.scale(scale, scale); painter.translate(160, 220); QFont font("Courier New"); font.setStretch(QFont::ExtraExpanded); painter.setFont(font); QTextOption options; options.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WordWrap); painter.drawText(0, 0, ui->projectLabel->text()); painter.drawImage(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30, imagen); painter.drawImage(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30, fileInf); painter.drawImage(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + fileInf.rect().height() + 30, generalDat); painter.drawImage(imagen.rect().width() - graph.rect().width(), ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30, graph); painter.drawImage(imagen.rect().width() - table.rect().width(), ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30, table); painter.drawText(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30 + table.rect().height() + 30, ui->projectLabel->text()); painter.drawText(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30 + table.rect().height() + 30 + ui->projectLabel->height() + 30, ui->codeLabel->text()); painter.drawText(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30 + table.rect().height() + 30 + ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + ui->codeLabel->height() + 30, ui->dateEdit->text()); painter.drawText(QRectF(0, ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + imagen.rect().height() + 30 + graph.rect().height() + 30 + table.rect().height() + 30 + ui->projectLabel->height() + 30 + ui->codeLabel->height() + 30 + ui->dateEdit->height() + 30, imagen.width(), 300), ui->descriptionLabel->toPlainText(), options); }
Thank you