Include QChart in 5.9
Hi there, I'm currently working with Qt 5.9 in Visual Studio 2015 Community and I want to use QChart module. Yet, the chart module is grayed out in Qt project settings->add/remove Qt modules 2. I tried to manually add the lib in the dependencies menu but it didn't work. I then browsed the include folder in the Qt directory and QChart isn't even there. I finally went back to 5.8 and all works fine. Nevertheless, I'd like it to work with 5.9 as my team works with that version.
Thank you,
@MarcoGirard Did you install Qt Charts? Using Qt Online Installer Qt Charts isn't installed automatically. You can install it using Qt Maintenance Tool from your Qt installation.
@MarcoGirard Hello, which license do you use ? It seems that QChart is available for commercial license only.
@Pamplemousse-MK-2 This module has a dual license GPL and Commercial.