Signal slot connection does not work with Move Semantics
Here I present simple code, which represents a problem
#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QList> struct Data { int data; }; class Obj: public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Obj() : QObject(nullptr) { connect(this, &Obj::startMove, this, &Obj::receiveData); emitMoveOp(); } void emitMoveOp() { QList<Data> data; data.append({1}); emit startMove(std::move(data)); } public slots: void receiveData(QList<Data> && data) { dataList = data; } signals: void startMove(QList<Data> && data); private: QList<Data> dataList; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); Obj obj; return a.exec(); }
I am getting an error caused by some problem with connection
D:\dev\tools\Qt\5.9.1\mingw53_32\include\QtCore\qobjectdefs_impl.h:136: error: forming pointer to reference type 'QtPrivate::RemoveRef<QList<Data>&&>::Type {aka QList<Data>&&}' (o->*f)((*reinterpret_cast<typename RemoveRef<SignalArgs>::Type *>(arg[II+1]))...), ApplyReturnValue<R>(arg[0]); ^
How to make signal slot connection work with rvalues? -
@Kofr said in Signal slot connection does not work with Move Semantics:
the question is why?
if you check the moc output it's pretty clear. Arguments are "stored" as void* and then casted to the correct type (
) and passed to the slot that can't receive it as it only acceptsQList<Data>&&
Yeah. The gerrit commits listed in the bug report you quoted show that move semantics are already implemented and even used in the development branch of Qt:
So we will not have to wait for long.