Package Qt Creator (based on Qt 5.9.0) for 32 bit Linux
I wanted to install the latest Qt Creator (based on Qt 5.9.0 LTS release). But, when I checked in this link I am not finding the Qt Creator setup file for 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04.
After a quick googling I found that 32-bit Linux Qt Creator variant is not that widely used and hence Qt Creator for Linux was packaged only for 64-bit. And that, if any body wants 32-bit version, we have to build the Qt Creator our own. Am I Right ?
So, I started following the instructions from the link.
- Created a new folder to contain the GIT repo of Qt Creator branch 4.1.
mkdir qt-creator cd qt-creator git clone --recursive -b 4.1 cd ..
- I have currently installed Qt Creator 3.5.1 (based on Qt 5.5.1) 32 bit from qt-io/downloads
Setup file name:
The version on Qt Creator Help shows like this:
Qt Creator 3.5.1 (opensource) Based on Qt 5.5.1 (GCC 4.9.1 20140922 (Red Hat 4.9.1-10), 32 bit) Built on Oct 13 2015 07:38:32
- Create a new folder to contain the qt creator build.
mkdir qt-creator-build cd qt-creator-build /home/Qt5.5.1/5.5/gcc/bin/qmake -r ../qt-creator/ make
The Qt Creator build successfully fine and I have found new binary
present under:
<path to 'qt-creator-build' folder>/bin
. I have executed the binary by doing./qtcreator
and I saw that a new Qt Creator version has come up on my Ubuntu machine with the version details as below:Qt Creator 4.1.1 Based on Qt 5.5.1 (GCC 4.8.4, 32 bit) Copyright 2008-2016 The Qt Company Ltd. All rights reserved.
Here, I can definitely see that the Qt Creator version got updated. But the underlying Qt Version reads "Based on Qt 5.5.1". I was expecting it to show the Qt 5.6.0 version (because I have pulled the GIT repo of Qt Creator branch 4.1 thinking that is based on Qt 5.6.0 - the reason was that the next branch 4.2 says Qt 5.6.0 or later is needed to build the branch in the prerequisites).
Am I following the steps as expected? At the end I wanted a file something like
to be produced from my Qt Creator source so that I can install the latest Qt Creator that runs on 32 bit Ubuntu 12.04 machine. Please let me know the proper steps to achieve that.Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
@chaithubk Take a closer look at this line:
/home/Qt5.5.1/5.5/gcc/bin/qmake -r ../qt-creator/
You used Qt 5.5.1 to build QtCreator, that's why QtCreator says it is based on Qt 5.5.1
If you want to use another Qt version to build QtCreator then install it and use to build QtCreator.
"thinking that is based on Qt 5.6.0" - a QtCreator binary is based on Qt version which was used to build it. -
@jsulm Yes. But in order to get the another version, I was unable to install the version higher than Qt 5.5.1 on my 32 bit Ubuntu machine. I tried to find Qt SDK that is latest based on Qt 5.9.0 so that I can give the qmake path from that latest Qt SDK. But I was unable to find it on qt-io/downloads.
This folder
I got in my machine because I have installed Qt Creator 3.5.1 from the pre-built run file. -
@chaithubk said in Package Qt Creator (based on Qt 5.9.0) for 32 bit Linux:
I was unable to install the version higher than Qt 5.5.1 on my 32 bit Ubuntu machine
You will need to build Qt by yourself if you want a recent version as 32bit binary. Are you really bound to x86?
Precompiled Linux 32bit Qt binaries are not provided anymore, because they were not used often in the past. -
@jsulm I am currently using Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit machine for my development, only for the Qt Creator pre-built setup file purpose I need to now update my Ubuntu machine to 64 bit version. If there is a way to build the Qt Creator version the way I wanted, then I can proceed with my current development machine configuration.
I have built the Qt 5.6.2 version for the Nitrogen board based on Yocto Framework and now am trying to build the Qt Creator with the qmake path from Qt 5.6.2 as below:
/opt/poky/sysroots/i686-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/qt5/qmake -r ../qt-creator/
The build is in progress. !
@chaithubk One question: do you really need Qt > 5.5? You already built recent QtCreator, it doesn't matter which Qt version it is based on as long as it works properly.
If you really need Qt > 5.5 then you will need to build it by yourself. -
@jsulm I am planning to work on Qt 5.6.2 version also I wanted to use Qt Charts module. So If the Qt Creator was based on Qt 5.5.1 - will it show the help for the Qt Items that are designed in the Qt > 5.5 ?
This was the reason I wanted to build the Qt Creator to be based on the same version of Qt that I am currently developing my application on. -
@chaithubk You can use any Qt version with QtCreator, it doesn't matter on which Qt version QtCreator is based. You can even have several Qt versions in parallel and switch between them.
@jsulm I still have one final question. Do you have any reference that explains the instructions to package a 32-bit Qt Creator for Linux in form of .run file so that I can build it on my machine for the Qt version that I need, and I can generate a setup file that can be used to install the same qt creator on any other machine.
@chaithubk Just create a directory containing QtCreator, all needed libraries and plug-ins and copy it to other machines. You can zip the folder to reduce its size. You can take a look at this: As QtCreator uses Qt the description there applies to it as well.