How to change the state of a delegate after being added to a ListView
I have a horizontal ListView that acts as a progress bar with bubbles representing each step of the application. Bubbles are inserted at the 0 index for each step to get the animation I'm going for. The delegates (bubbles) did have internal states to determine whether it was current, inactive, success or a failed state.
But after going with the ListView route, I can't figure out how to set the state of the current delegate after it has been inserted into the ListView. I tried another alternative of making states for the ListView instead of inside the delegate, using PropertyChanges to set the target for the currentItem in ListView but Qt complains and doesn't recognize the custom properties I have set within that delegate.
Here is a snippet of my code:
ListView { id: listView_Id width: contentWidth height: bubbleSize anchors.centerIn: parent layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft orientation: ListView.Horizontal spacing: 0 delegate: Item { width: bubbleSize height: width ProgressBubble { stateText: stateNumber } } model: ListModel { id: progressModel_Id } //Alternative method states: [ State { name: "current" PropertyChanges { target: listView_Id.currentItem //stateWidth: //stateHeight: //stateOpacity: } } ] }
property string stateText: "" property int stateWidth: 0 property int stateHeight: 0 property double stateOpacity: 1.0 Rectangle { id: stateFill_Id color: StyleSingleton.progressBarStateFillColor anchors.centerIn: parent //This used to work when it was not in a ListView states: [ State { name: "current" PropertyChanges { target: stateFill_Id width: state_Id.width height: state_Id.height opacity: 1.0 } } ] Text { id: stateText_Id color: StyleSingleton.progressBarTextColor //progressBar_txtColor text: stateText anchors.fill: parent font.pixelSize: 16 z: 1 } }
Here is where I tried to set the state with js.
progressBarLayout.progressModel.setProperty(0, "state", "current"); //or this method progressBarLayout.progressModel.set(0, {state: "current"});
You can access the single ListModel-Items through a property of your model.
To change the state of an item, change the model-item -
@karlheinzreichel is this not the same thing?
progressBarLayout.progressModel.setProperty(0, "state", "current"); //or this method progressBarLayout.progressModel.set(0, {state: "current"});