image invisible in Qt 5.9 works fine in 5.8
QML and Qt Quick
I have fairly simple MapQuickItem
MapQuickItem { property int rs_id property int item_type: 1 //1-marker 2-circle 3-navi 4-bus 5-info property int naviMap; property int pressed: 0 property int old_x; property int old_y; property int moved: 0 visible: true; sourceItem: Image { id: image scale: 0.1 source: "images/map-marker-blue.png" visible: true } anchorPoint.x: image.width/2 anchorPoint.y: image.height }
It works fine with Qt 5.8 and is invisible with Qt 5.9
With 5.9 no error is being shown, I just can't see the image, if I make intentional mistake in source url it complains:qrc:/MarkerItem.qml:15:17: QML Image: Cannot open: qrc:/images/map-marker-blu.png
But when the path is correct, no error is written and the image is simply invisible, component is created it even has the right size, but it is just like completely transparent. I have tested on Windows 10 and Linux 64Bit
Has something changed in 5.9 or what?Best Regards