MediaPlayer QML duration
QML and Qt Quick
Hello, i have following qml:
import QtQuick 2.1 import QtMultimedia 5.7 Rectangle { x: 0 y: 0 width: 1152 height: 675 color:"black" radius:20 MediaPlayer { id: mediaPlayer objectName: "mediaPlayer" autoLoad: true volume: 1 playlist: Playlist { id: playlist PlaylistItem { source: "/testVideo.mp4"; } } onPlaying: { console.log("[qmlvideo] duration " + duration) } } VideoOutput { id:videoOutput source:mediaPlayer anchors.fill: parent } function stop() { mediaPlayer.stop(); } function setVolume(volume) { mediaPlayer.setVolume(volume); } }
this is used in a widgets application through QQuickWidget.
When i call MediaPlayer::play() video plays correctly
and onPlay is fired the problem is that duration property always return -1.
Tryed also to connect playbackStateChanged() signal and also here duration is always -1
both on start and stop.How can i get video duration?
Thank you