Is there a way to have a state move an object over from adding it's new position after each transition without binding?
I have an object that I want to move from it's new position every time that particular state is set. I've tried making a separate property called xPos which is set by the object's new position of x after the transition is finished inside onRunningChanged, then entering a default state just to be able to switch back to the state to move x again since calling the same state does nothing but it doesn't seem to work. I'm also using the extra variable because using x causes a runtime binding loop error.
Here is my code:
property int xPos: 0
states: [
State {
name: "nextStep"
PropertyChanges {
target: progressBar_Id
x: -1*(progressBar_Id.step.width) + xPos
State {
name: "previousStep"
PropertyChanges {
target: progressBar_Id
x: progressBar_Id.step.width + xPos
State {
name: "default"
PropertyChanges {
target: progressBar_Id
x: xPos
]transitions: [ Transition { from: "*" to: "nextStep" NumberAnimation {properties: "x"; easing.type: Easing.Linear; duration: 1000} onRunningChanged: { if(!running) { xPos = progressBar_Id.x;"xPos= " + xPos); state = "default"; } } }, Transition { from: "*" to: "previousStep" NumberAnimation {properties: "x"; easing.type: Easing.Linear; duration: 1000} } ]
xPos seems to get set from the console output but never applies the new xCoord to the object. Also by the way, how do I get the code to format correctly in this Qt Forum, the Transitions are in the same spot as State, what gives?
Actually came up with a much better alternative using a ListView.
ListView { id: listView_Id width: contentWidth height: bubbleSize anchors.centerIn: parent layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft orientation: ListView.Horizontal spacing: 0 delegate: Item { width: bubbleSize height: width ProgressBubble { stateText: stateNumber } } model: ListModel { id: progressModel_Id } }
Another qml file:
progressModel.insert(0, {stateNumber: number++});.