error on operator= of QDateTime in a lambda, Qt5.6.2
Hi, I have an error here
QDateTime &QDateTime::operator=(const QDateTime &other) { d = other.d;//error
inside a lambda function the code was:
but I have put du as member variable of my object and I have tried :
setDateUpload was
void setDateUpload(const QDateTime &value);
and I have tried with setDateUpload2 that is :
void setDateUpload2(QDateTime value);
du is a QdateTime
this is a parameter of the lambda and is derived of QObject :connect(reponse,&QNetworkReply::finished,reponse,[this,reponse](){
Has someone an idea to help me ?
I use Qt5.6.2 and I am under windows,here with a debug version of Qt.....[Fixed code tags ~kshegunov]
there is an error on !old->ref.deref() (more inside, l93 of qshareddata.h)
You can try with a generic reference lambda [&]. Sometimes, depending on the compiler's implementation, lambdas require default objects to be created which may not work in all circumstances.
I have a hard time understanding what exactly is the problem! Any chance you could post the whole lampda here? -
@stephane78 these are my own functions...
here is the lambda
connect(reponse,&QNetworkReply::finished,reponse,[this,reponse](){ QString strReply = QString::fromUtf8(reponse->readAll()); QJsonDocument jsonResponse = QJsonDocument::fromJson(strReply.toUtf8()); QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonResponse.object(); long idFichier = (long)jsonObject["fileId"].toDouble(); QDateTime du = QDateTime::fromString(jsonObject["dateUpload"].toString(),"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); QDateTime dup; if(this->flag) dup = QDateTime::fromString(jsonObject["updated_at"].toString(),"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); int code=jsonObject["code"].toInt(); if(idFichier > 0) { if(!this->flag) this->pf->setId(idFichier); if(this->flag) this->pf->setDateUpload2(dup); else this->pf->setDateUpload2(du); ....
I think I could try with the release version because perhaps there isn't any error with the release version.....because here I am with the debug version and with the debugger and with a 64 bits debug version of Qt and Qtcreator....
OK this problem is solved, I have put a mutexlocker with a mutex before pf->setid and ml.unlock after setdateupload2 because this is an object associated to a secondary thread with movetothread and now I haven't any more this error. I Have another error further but I put a mutexlocker too and see
There is something fishy with your lambda I think. You do not use &, which means the setDateUpload function works on a copy -> a temporary. You probably will want to work on something like:
QDateTime &dateUpload=pf->dateUpload;
});EDIT: ok you did not tell about multithreading, either :-)
@m-sue,Hi michael, thanks a lot,it was fast the solution : I have began to replace all the pointers on the instance of my own class with such a thing in the lambda and it seems to work : for example :
MyFichier * &pf2=pf; connect(reponse,&QNetworkReply::finished,reponse,[this,&pf2,reponse](){
and I haven't any problem any more with the QDateTime...
I have still a problem with dateupload and seems that the other problems are solved (it seems ) but not for dateupload and shash....
still the error on !old->ref.deref()
OK, I am not sure that my compiler,mingw-w64 4.9.2, supports well the lambdas and I think I will try with mingw-w64 5.3.0 (but I must build a release and a debug version of Qt and my other libs with it......).
so it not mingw 4.9.2. so is there any way to replace the loop.exec() in that code ?
QNetworkReply * reponse = netmanager->post(requete,multiPart); QEventLoop loop; connect(reponse, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit())) ; loop.exec();
(but not a lambda because I have problems with the lambda)