how to create nested QGroupBox with recursion ?
General and Desktop
Here is my code so far :
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); QFrame *test = new QFrame(this); layout = new QGridLayout; test->setGeometry(10,10,150,300); layout->addWidget(createBrightnessSettings(tr("Brightness Settings"),5,30,300,275),0,0,3,3,Qt::AlignLeft); test->setLayout(layout); } QGroupBox *MainWindow::createBrightnessSettings(const QString& name,int x,int y,int w, int h){ QGroupBox *brightnessSettings = new QGroupBox(name); if (name == "Brightness Settings"){ brightnessSettings->setFlat(true); layout->addWidget(createBrightnessSettings(tr("Day Mode"),30,55,250,95),0,1,0,3,Qt::AlignLeft); } //createBrightnessSettings("Night Mode",30,170,250,95); if (name != "Brightness Settings"){ //startfrom = constructLabel(settingsBackground,startfrom,"color:rgb(200,200,200);font:9pt bold Arial;", // 50,68,90,25,"Start From"); } brightnessSettings->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); return brightnessSettings; }
This is what i want :
Set a QVBoxLayout in your main QGroupBox and then add the other two to that layout.