How to store restore the colors in QGRaphicsView
Hi All
I have a QGraphicsView in which I have rectangles .- I have two modes for this QGraphicsView
View1 - in which I color the rectangles and I can edit the color of these rectangles. The rectangles colors can be dynamic
View2 _ where I always have no colors of rectangles
I have following flow
View1 - > in which I will change the colors of the rectangles
View2 - in which I will clear the color
View1- I go back to View1 .
My Requirement is to restore the View1 (with edited colors) before we got into view2
Is there any way to save and restore the colors for View . Also can I use QSetting for this ?
So basically your view number 2 is a black and white view over a scene while view 1 shows the original coloured content of said scene, correct ?
Yes Basically I have following States
State1 -- IN View 1 I have colors of rectangles it can be red/ gree etc FOr example Rect1 is yellow
State2 - In View 1 I changed the colors of rectangles for Rect1 to Red
State 3 : Go to View 2 , there are not colors mean black and white View
Satet4 , Go back to View2 and Now I want to go back to State2 , where I have Rect1 as red
Another use caseState1 -- IN View 1 I have colors of rectangles it can be red/ gree etc FOr example Rect1 is yellow
State2 - In View 1 I changed the colors of rectangles for Rect1 to Red
State3 : exit the tool
State 4 . start the tool and now I want to go back to state 2 Rect should be Red
Please suggest some optimied solution
If you only have 2 states, why not just have a second color for your items and when
in mode2, it uses that color to paint and if in mode 1 , use the original color.Do you need to save to file, the colors ?
If yes, you could also just use the save/load (that you need any way) and simply load the color when back to view 1.