How to conditionally switch between Row and Column Layout
What is a good pattern for conditionally inserting QML items?
For example:
as I've tried to show in pseudocode below, I wish to layout my items in a Column when the screen is narrow, but in a Row otherwise.if (parent.width < 400) { Column { Label { id: label text: "column label" } TextField { id: ceditText text: "column text edit" } } } else { Row { Label { id: rlabel text: "row label" } TextField { id: reditText text: "row text edit" } } }
I can't put the javascripty conditional if/else around them in QML (or, can I?) Is there some attribute of every Item that I can use to include/exclude based on a conditional value?
Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks.
Oh, I got it. For this limited case anyway, I'm conditionally switching the columns: between 2 and 1
GridLayout { id: grid columns: ( parent.width < 200 ? 1 : 2 ) ... }
But, if anyone wanted to chime it, that would be helpful. This only covers most of my cases.
That seems like a more elegant solution to work in all cases. But, I must've mixed up something else, because the widgets overlay themselves with your suggestion. Maybe I'll try to figure it out later.
Anyway, I've got it working the way I want now.