How to send click signal to a XYSeries under a MouseArea
QML and Qt Quick
I am trying to catch the event when user click on a SplineSeries which there is a MouseArea above it ( on the Plot)
The line can not detect clicked signal , even if I set the propagateComposedEvents to true in MouseArea and I set the mouse.accepted to false in onClicked in the MouseArea.My code as below
Item { id:root function addLine(name) { var line = chart.createSeries(ChartView.SeriesTypeSpline , name, chart.xAxis, chart.yAxis) line.clicked.connect( clickLine) line.useOpenGL = true return line } function clickLine() { console.log( "click Line") } ChartView { id:chart } }
main.qmlPlot{ MouseArea { anchor.fill :parent propagateComposedEvents : true onClicked: mouse.accepted=false } }