qtcharts iOs error : unknown method return type: QAbstractAxis*
I am trying to manage QtCharts in QML with c++.
I only got this error on iOs, but no error on android, linux, osx."Unknown method return type: QAbstractAxis*"
Why only on iOs? If QtCharts was missing, we suppose to got error earlier.
header file :
class CustomChart : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* x_axis WRITE setXAxis READ xAxis);
QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* xAxis();
void setXAxis(QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* axis);
}qml :
ChartView {
id: chartViewCustom
Component.onCompleted: {
customChart.x_axis = chartViewCustom.axisX(chartViewCustom.series(0))
axisX: DateTimeAxis {
tickCount: 4
minorGridVisible: true
color: "black"
format: "mm:ss"
[...]Someone see the problem? I have a lot of code, so i try to focus with interraction of QAbstractAxis.
Thanks for your help.