Find any things except one words by QRegularExpression
General and Desktop
String want to parse
//there are many similar strings in the file, this is one of them <div class="rg_meta">{"id":"IuDOvhrPwcs2WM:","isu":"","itg":0,"ity":"jpg","oh":728,"ou":"","ow":1296,"pt":"Secondhand Smoke
Expected result
<div class="rg_meta">{"id":"IuDOvhrPwcs2WM:","isu":"","itg":0,"ity":"jpg","oh":728,"ou"
Real result is no match
My solution
QRegularExpression re("<div class=\"rg_meta\">{^(?!\"ou\").*\"ou\""); auto iter = re.globalMatch(contents); while(iter.hasMatch()){ auto match =; qDebug()<<match.match(0); }else{ qDebug()<<"no match"; }
How should I fix this error?Thanks
There are work around for my requirement, my ultimate goal is get the images address(ou and tu)
QRegularExpression reg("<div class=\"rg_meta\">{[^}]*}"); auto iter = reg.globalMatch(contents); while(iter.hasNext()){ QRegularExpressionMatch match =; QRegularExpression link_big("\"ou\":\"([^\"]*)"); QRegularExpression link_small("\"tu\":\"([^\"]*)"); auto const bm = link_big.match(match.captured(0)); auto const sm = link_small.match(match.captured(0)); qDebug()<<bm.captured(0)<<","<<sm.captured(0); }
This solution work, but I want to know why look ahead solution fail, how could I do it correctly in Qt?Thanks
Shouldn't it rather be something like
<div class=\"rg_meta\".+(?>"ou")
or<div class=\"rg_meta\">[a-zA-Z0-9{":,.\/]+(?>"ou")
? -
Thanks, you are right, I have wrong understanding about negative look ahead of regex.
Looks like there are not easy way to express
match some string > match anything but a pattern
by regular expression. The "work around" I use maybe a nice choice for this problem.