Connection from installer to remote server
currently I'm creating an installer to deploy a Qt application using QTIFW. The installer itself works just fine, but I need an additional feature which is a register/login page with online verification. Is there a template for that? I don't have a backend yet to handle the entered credentials, so I'm kinda free in the way I could setup the system.
The page could look similar to the page you get during the installation of Qt.
Kind regards
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You can take a look at the code of the online installer from Qt.
Hi @SGaist ,
thanks a lot for your help! I cloned those repositories and screened through the code, but it seems I cannot find the part where the actual Qt5 installer is created. I learned a lot on how install scripts should be made, though. Do you have another suggestion on how I can go on from here?
Kind regards
I'd check then with the folks from the interest mailing list or if you prefer IRC there's the #qt channel. You'll find there Qt's developers/maintainers. This forum is more user oriented.