May I compile for Android with standart 5.8 Linux version?
I installed standart Qt 5.8 for Linux. Now I want to test on Android too! May I use same Qt with some additition libraries or should I uninstall and install Qt 5.8 Android version?!...And, Can I compile desktop applications with Qt for Android too?! If yes I think it's better to uninstall Qt 5.8 for linux and install Qt 5.8 Android to create applications for both Android and Linux...
Mucip:) -
No you can't, "Qt for Android" is exactly that, Qt build to run on Android platform. You need to install additional Qt version for the platform you want to target.
The most simple for that is to use the online installer. It allows to easily add/update/remove Qt versions.
Dear SGaist,
First of all thanks for your interest. I followed your way and reinstall with Qt Online installer. And now I have Qt 5.8 Android too.But I do not see Android item on the left listbox on Option window. I think I need to install NDK and SDK too. I checked the internet little bit but all information and videos for the older versions! I do not want to make a mistake!
Please could you suggest me never (I mean Qt 5.8 and Debian 8) and offical information?...
Best regards,
Mucip:) -
You need extra installs yes
Note the API levels requirements -
I already checked this page, I guess it is deprecated now. Because when I run
./android update sdk
The message comes;
mucip@debian-ev:~/Android/Sdk/tools$ ./android update sdk
The "android" command is deprecated.
For manual SDK, AVD, and project management, please use Android Studio.
For command-line tools, use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager
"android" SDK commands can be translated to sdkmanager commands on a best-effort basis.
Continue? (This prompt can be suppressed with the --use-sdk-wrapper command-line argument
or by setting the USE_SDK_WRAPPER environment variable) [y/N]:Or am I wrong?...
Seems you are right
At least the cmdline has changed.
./android update sdk
seems to have become
sdkmanager --update
and so on.
seems also possible directly in Studio. -
Well new often works best with new so you might be right.
lists the API level needed for each module.
it says
Beginning with Qt 5.7, any API level >= 18 will work.