How far can I go with casting when it comes to the new way how Signal & Slots are connected?
I am trying to get this signal:
signals: void joystickConnected( JoystickDevice * joystick, JoystickDeviceConfigurator * configurator );
connected with this slot:
public slots: void newInputDeviceDetected( InputDevice * dev, InputDeviceConfigurator * configurator );
JoystickDevice inherits InputDevice publicly and the same goes for *DeviceConfigurator.
When try:
connect( & JM_instance, static_cast< void (JoystickManager:: *) (InputDevice *, InputDeviceConfigurator *) > ( & JoystickManager::joystickConnected ), d, & UserInputManagement_Private::newInputDeviceDetected );
The compiler gives me the finger with:
error: invalid static_cast from type ‘void (JoystickManager::*)(JoystickDevice*, JoystickDeviceConfigurator*)’ to type ‘void (JoystickManager::*)(InputDevice*, InputDeviceConfigurator*)’ static_cast< void (JoystickManager:: *) (InputDevice *, InputDeviceConfigurator *)>(& JoystickManager::joystickConnected),
So, I wonder if it is even possible what am I trying to do?
I'd say you can go quite far.
Completely untested but maybe a lambda connect would *(or may not) help:
QObject::connect(&JM_instance, &JoystickManager::joystickConnected, [=]( InputDevice *device, InputDeviceConfigurator *config){ doSomething(device); doAnotherThing(config); } );
@6thC This workaround works nice.
I ended up with this:
connect( & JM_instance, & JoystickManager::joystickConnected, [=] ( InputDevice * device, InputDeviceConfigurator * configurator ) { d->newInputDeviceDetected( device, configurator ); } );
If no better answer comes up in the next days I will mark your suggestion as solution.
I don't agree with the answers above, you should not use a lambda here. the problem is just that the compiler does not know
is aInputDevice
is aInputDeviceConfigurator
or both. basically you just have to#include
the headers withJoystickDevice
definition. -
@VRonin Unfortunately the code has changed in the meantime.
But I reconstructed it: different names, same story.
It still does not work:#include "userinputmanagement.h" #include "userinputmanagement_private.h" #include "joystickdeviceconfigurator.h" #include "inputdeviceconfiguratorgate.h" #include "joystickmanager.h" #include "joystickdevice.h" #include "inputdevice.h" connect( & JM_instance, static_cast< void (JoystickManager:: *) (InputDevice *, InputDeviceConfiguratorGate *) > ( & JoystickManager::joystickConnected ), d, & UserInputManagement_Private::newInputDeviceDetected );
From JoystickManager (JM_instance) the signal:
signals: void joystickConnected( JoystickDevice *, JoystickDeviceConfigurator * );
The receiving slot in UserInputManagement_Private:
public slots: void newInputDeviceDetected( InputDevice * dev, InputDeviceConfiguratorGate * configurator );
Inheritance structure:
class JoystickDeviceConfigurator : public InputDeviceConfiguratorGate class JoystickDevice : public InputDevice
And the error:
error: invalid static_cast from type ‘void (JoystickManager::*)(JoystickDevice*, JoystickDeviceConfigurator*)’ to type ‘void (JoystickManager::*)(InputDevice*, InputDeviceConfiguratorGate*)’ ( & JoystickManager::joystickConnected ),
Any further ideas?