String trouble in clipboard
General and Desktop
I would like to implement a copy/paste, so I useQClipboard.
For the paste I get a file path like this:
const QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); const QMimeData *mimeData = clipboard->mimeData(); foreach(QString sMimeFormat, mimeData->formats()) { if(sMimeFormat.contains("AutoCAD.r",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QString sFilename((QChar*)mimeData->data(sMimeFormat).data()); if(QFile::exists(sFilename)) { pasteFile(sFilename, pDb, pApp, pUserIO); } return; } }
And It works, so I try to create a copy but it doesnt works, the file name is unreadable.
I create the copy like this:QString sOutputFile = QDir::tempPath() + "/" + "copyDWG.dwg"; OdStreamBufPtr streamBuf = pCoreApp->createFile(qtStringToOdaString(sOutputFile), Oda::kFileWrite, Oda::kShareDenyWrite, Oda::kCreateAlways); pDbDest->writeFile(streamBuf, OdDb::kDwg, OdDb::vAC21); QMimeData *pMimeData = new QMimeData; QByteArray baData;baData.append(sOutputFile); pMimeData->setData("AutoCAD.r15", baData); QClipboard *clipboard = (QClipboard *)QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setMimeData(pMimeData);
I think it's wide char problem but I don't know how to correct my copy.
What I did wrong ?Thanks,
Sorry for my english -
Hi! The following works for me on Linux:
auto const * const mimeData = QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(); auto const formats = mimeData->formats(); for (auto const &i: formats) { if (i=="text/plain") { auto const sourceUrl = QString::fromUtf8(mimeData->data(i)); // "file:///home/pw/test.dxf" if (sourceUrl.endsWith(".dxf")) { auto const sourceFilePath = QUrl(sourceUrl).toLocalFile(); // "/home/pw/test.dxf" auto const sourceFileName = QFileInfo(sourceFilePath).fileName(); // "test.dxf" auto const targetPath("/home/pw/tmp/"); // "/home/pw/tmp/" auto const targetFilePath = targetPath + sourceFileName; // "/home/pw/tmp/test.dxf" if (!QFile::copy(sourceFilePath, targetFilePath)) throw 666; } else { qDebug() << "Nothing to copy"; } } }