The buffer size used in QMediaplayer
General and Desktop
I use QMediaplayer to play a video
QMediaPlayer* player = new QMediaPlayer;
player->play();In QMediaplayer we have the bufferStatus() method but it just return the percentage that buffer was used. Can I know the buffer size used when playing video?
I think if i know the way bufferStatus() method was written then i can know the buffer size. I go to this to get qmediaplayer source code. And this is the bufferStatus method
int QMediaPlayer::bufferStatus() const { Q_D(const QMediaPlayer); if (d->control != 0) return d->control->bufferStatus(); return 0; }
when I click to bufferStatus method i go to the qmediaplayercontrol source code. This is just an interface so i still dont know exactly how bufferStatus method was written.
You will find the implementation of this method in the various multimedia backends.