View with one model item
QML and Qt Quick
You mean smiliar to this?
import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") ListModel { id: fruitModel ListElement { name: "Apple" } ListElement { name: "Orange" } ListElement { name: "Banana" } } Row { id: myRow anchors.centerIn: parent spacing: 10 property int currentItem: 0 Label { width: 100 text: fruitModel.get(myRow.currentItem).name } Button { text: "Next" onClicked: myRow.currentItem = (myRow.currentItem < fruitModel.count - 1) ? ++myRow.currentItem : 0 } } }
You don't need listview. Also there is nothing like u need to use model with view only. As @Wieland suggested you can directly fetch data from model and display it
@dheerendra Could you elaborate on how one would go about directly fetching data from a C++ model using the user roles that are present in the model ?
@Eeli-K Wouldn't StackView also load all the items in the model? I mean, every time you push "next" the next item will be pushed onto the stack, so if you push next 30 times you'll have 30 items in the stack, and I think @MartinD wants that 1 item will be loaded at any given time. Also how would one go about accessing the models USER ROLES in a stackview ?