depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: QQuickMultiPointTouchArea::touchPoints
QML and Qt Quick
I was trying to learn about the multi touch capability of my touchscreen monitor. And I have developed a simple Qt application to just display the touch points on screen as below:
Rectangle { MultiPointTouchArea { id: touchArea anchors.fill: parent touchPoints: [ TouchPoint { id: point1 }, TouchPoint { id: point2 }, TouchPoint { id: point3 }, TouchPoint { id: point4 }, TouchPoint { id: point5 }, TouchPoint { id: point6 }, TouchPoint { id: point7 }, TouchPoint { id: point8 }, TouchPoint { id: point9 }, TouchPoint { id: point10 } ] } Repeater { model: touchArea.touchPoints.length delegate: Rectangle { width: 30 height: 30 x: touchArea.touchPoints[index].x y: touchArea.touchPoints[index].y color: Qt.rgba(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()) } } }
When I run my application I am seeing my application as intended and shows the touch points as expected BUT I am noticing this error on the Qt Application Output of my Qt Creator:
QQmlExpression: Expression qrc:/main.qml:36:20 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: QQuickMultiPointTouchArea::touchPoints
The same code if I remove the repeater and write the rectangles as below, am not seeing any errors on the application output and my application is running as I wanted.
Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent MultiPointTouchArea { id: touchArea anchors.fill: parent touchPoints: [ TouchPoint { id: point1 }, TouchPoint { id: point2 }, TouchPoint { id: point3 }, TouchPoint { id: point4 }, TouchPoint { id: point5 }, TouchPoint { id: point6 }, TouchPoint { id: point7 }, TouchPoint { id: point8 }, TouchPoint { id: point9 }, TouchPoint { id: point10 } ] } Rectangle { width: 30; height: 30 color: "green" x: point1.x y: point1.y } Rectangle { width: 30; height: 30 color: "yellow" x: point2.x y: point2.y } Rectangle { width: 30; height: 30 color: "Red" x: point3.x y: point3.y } }
Am unable to understand the mistake with the Repeater approach. Any comments on how to solve it ? Thanks in advance.