Put qwindows.dll in same folder than app.exe
I created one app in Qt 5and used windeploy to get the necessary dlls. I need qwindows.dll. this file is inside a folder named platforms.
I would like to move the library next to the app.exe. Is it possible?
I tried to include path to it in .pro, but without luck... -
@vitor13nightmare Take a look at http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qt-conf.html
I did this
if file organization is:
bearer/- dlls ...
like this is ok
but if I make
plugins/- bearer/
- dlls ...
and put qt.conf next to exe with content
Plugins=./like this works also
if I put dlls next to exe, app does not work, with qt.conf containing:
Plugins=./ - dlls ...
AFAIR, the plugins should follow the structure provided (platforms, bearer, etc.)
Out of curiosity, why do you want to put absolutely all .dll files in the same folder ?