QNetworkReply error signal
I don't understand the documentation describing QNetworkReply error signal:
"This signal is emitted when the reply detects an error in processing. The finished() signal will probably follow, indicating that the connection is over."
What is the meaning of probably?
@HojjatJafary I think finished() signal will not be emitted always in case of error depending on what exactly went wrong. But I don't know exactly. For that you would need to read Qt source code or ask Qt developers.
Is this mean I must always subscribe for the error signal to check the status of the connection? because the will be a finished() signal in all situations.
@HojjatJafary It is ALWAYS a good idea to connect to error() signals - you never know what can go wrong and when. Error handling is one the most important topics in software development at least if you want to write high quality software.
Thank you @jsulm.