How to hide a footer item(widget) on particular screen
I am working on footer item in QML. I have a common QML file for both phone book and saved contacts (cpp). I have create a footer item in QML, but I just want to see it on saved contacts screen but it is also showing on phone book screen which I don't want. So, can any one help me how can we hide or don't appear. Is there is any conditional statement method to use in QML. if so can you explain me.
If you really want to use common footer,you may to change its visible/height property just like following:
visible: yourStackWhichHoldsDescribedPages.currentIndex == 0 ? true : false
height: yourStackWhichHoldsDescribedPages.currentIndex == 0 ? 0 : 25
just make your custom footer in your 'saved contacts' page,not in parent object. (this way is better IMO)