Auto Axes in QML Lineseries Charts
In line series charts, i was append the c++ data to qml. Herewith add coding for your reference. In that i need to auto adjust the X and Y axes minimum and maximum value based on the received data from c++.
ChartView { id: chartView title: "Real Time Charts" anchors.fill: parent animationOptions: ChartView.SeriesAnimations antialiasing: true theme: ChartView.ChartThemeBlueCerulean ValueAxis { id: axisY2 min: 0 max: 100 minorTickCount: 3 tickCount: 10 } ValueAxis { id: axisX min: 0 max: 50 minorTickCount: 3 tickCount: 7 gridVisible: false color: "white" } LineSeries { id: lineSeries1 name: "signal 1" axisX: axisX axisY: axisY1
For rate changed, i was append the data to the lineseries...
onRateChanged: {
Instead of defining X and Y min and max values, i need a solution to adjust min and max values automatically based on the received data.
I did something similar to this, but using JavaScript to read my data...
I have two properties in my main.qml that are my min & max for my axis. I update them via the JavaScript.
In my QML with the charts, I make sure that the min & max parameters point to the properties in my main.qml.
main.qml :
property alias appWin: mainWindow property double maxWspd: 0.0 property double minWspd: 100.0
if( appWin.maxWspd < Math.ceil((appWin.wxWspd))+1 ) { appWin.maxWspd = Math.ceil((appWin.wxWspd))+1; } if( appWin.minWspd > Math.floor((appWin.wxWspd))-1 ) { appWin.minWspd = Math.floor((appWin.wxWspd))-1; }
ValueAxis { id: axisYw min: appWin.minWspd max: appWin.maxWspd tickCount: 5 labelFormat: "%.1f" labelsFont:Qt.font({pointSize: 12}) labelsColor: appWin.baseFontColor color: appWin.graphTickColor }