xml <= sql operator perceives as the beginning tag
General and Desktop
Hi All.
I Have XML File, where save the query name and its significance.<queryname>search maximumprice</queryname> <queryvalue> select *, (select valutaname from valuta where uid = (select valutauid from cash where operationsuid = operations.uid) ) as valuta1, (select valutaname from valuta where uid = (select valutauid from cash where operationsuid = operations.uid order by UID desc)) as valuta2, (select amount from cash where operationsuid = operations.uid ) as cash1, (select amount from cash where operationsuid = operations.uid order by uid desc ) as cash2, (select ratebuy from exchangerate where valutauid = (select valutauid from cash where operationsuid = operations.uid order by UID desc) ) as kursi1, (select ratesell from exchangerate where valutauid = (select valutauid from cash where operationsuid = operations.uid order by UID desc) ) as kursi2 from operations inner join olduser on operations.olduserid = olduser.uid where cash1 <= 1000 order by operations.uid </queryvalue>
But <= operator is red