Build qtdeclarative private auto tests
Hi i need to build auto tests for qtdeclarative module
but i get linker errors when try to compile test in quick directory e.g.qtdeclarative/lib -lQt5Quick -lQt5Qml -lQt5Gui -lQt5Network -lQt5Test -lQt5Core -lGLESv2 -lpthread
../../../auto/quick/qquickflickable/tst_qquickflickable.cpp:762: error: undefined reference to 'QQuickTimeLine::isActive() const'
../../../auto/quick/qquickflickable/tst_qquickflickable.cpp:763: error: undefined reference to 'QQuickTimeLine::isActive() const'in pro file this test marked as private
//your code here QUICKTESTS = \ qquickdrag \ qquickdroparea \ qquickflickable \ qquickflipable \ scenegraph SUBDIRS += $$PUBLICTESTS !qtConfig(accessibility):QUICKTESTS -= qquickaccessible qtConfig(private_tests) { SUBDIRS += $$PRIVATETESTS SUBDIRS += $$QUICKTESTS }
other test not in private part, building fine, every .so file is in place
I know it because of using private headers but don`t know how to solve this linker errors, maybe some keys for rebuild declarative nodule itself -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Which version of Qt are you building ? On which platform ?
Then a silly question, are you sure you are using the right qmake before building the test ?
Thank you for trying to help, i solve my problem, i found that private class, had a macro Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT and that macro is just Q_DECLARE_EXPORT, when i just add in .pro file DEFINES +=Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT nothing was export in .so, but when i add it like DEFINES +="Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT=Q_DECL_EXPORT" it work fine.