Qt Designer only support 32-bits pulgins?
I've installed "Qt 5.8.0 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2015)". Also i've installed Visual Studio 2015 and use in Qt 5.8 msvc2015-64bit for build. All programs compile fine and work ok.
But i try to create a custom widget plugin for Qt Designer, specific build the world time clock sample. Compile fine and try to install. But Qt Designer don't recognize plugin. Give me an error: worldtimeclockplugin.dll : %1 is not a valid Win32 application, whether build release or debug.
Download "Qt 5.8.0 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2015)" and install it. Compile world time clock sample and install ok. Qt Designer recognize perfectly. But if i use this 32bit compiled plugin version of worldtimeclockplugin.dll on Qt Designer from Qt 5.8-64bit version, also works.
So i question if Qt Designer only support 32bits pulgins?
@Efreen It sounds like your designer is 32-bit. Can you check the exe and find out. Even if you install the Windows 64-bit version it sounds like it is still a 32-bit build.
Easy to verify and you should have your answer if it is. If it is 64-bit then there is some other issue.
I mistook, Qt Creator and Qt Designer and are 32-bits.
I confused about the download name Qt 5.8.0 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2015, 1.0 GB), thinking Qt IDE and Tools are build on 64bits, but actually only are prepared for build msvc 64bit and the libraries are compiled on 64bits, not the IDE.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Qt Creator itself is independent of the Qt version you installed as you can also have several Qt versions in parallel.
IIRC Qt Creator is built with MSVC.