QtQuick Gauge Needle rotation animation is not smooth
QML and Qt Quick
I was trying to create a simple gauge using the QtQuick. The problem I am facing is that the needle rotation is not smooth. When the needle angle is changed for a higher value the needle not moving smoothly, there are some jerk in the motion and also feel like multiple needle moving. I tried to use most of the Animations Types and Easing types available but the result was negative.
import QtQuick 2.0 Rectangle { visible: true width: 800 height: 800 color: "#00000000" // My Needle Rectangle{ id: id_needle x: 350 y: 350 width: 300 height: 5 color: "red" antialiasing: true smooth: true transform: Rotation { id: rotation origin.x: 3 origin.y: 3 angle: 0 Behavior on angle { NumberAnimation{ duration: 1500 easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } } } // Sample Timer to update needle angle Timer{ id: tim repeat: true running: true interval: 2000 onTriggered: { var data = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360) + 0 rotation.angle = data } } }