QGraphicsItem's paintEngine changed during program runing
General and Desktop
Hi guys,
To speed up the QGraphicView system, I render it with OpenGL, set the Viewer's viewport to GLWidget:
setViewport(new QGLWidget(QGLFormat(QGL::DoubleBuffer)));
In the GraphicItem paint function, monitor the paintEngine:
void Item::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { QWidget* vp = scene()->views().front()->viewport(); QGLWidget* glw = qobject_cast<QGLWidget*>(vp); //qDebug() << "viewport" << glw->format(); qDebug() << this->parent() << this->parentItem(); bool ok = false; int type = painter->paintEngine()->type(); if (type == QPaintEngine::OpenGL2) ok = true; qDebug() << (int)this << type; }
In the debug output information, at first the type is 14(GL2), after some operation(diffcult to analsys), the output change to 10(Raster).
Any suggestion for debug?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Which version of Qt are you using ? On which OS ?
Can you use a more recent version ?
Also note that QGLWidget has been deprecated for QOpenGLWidget.