QSplitter fill parent, but child of splitter not fill splitter.
General and Desktop
QSplitter fill parent, but child of splitter not fill splitter.
I need to dynamically add items to a QSplitter, i need the QSplitter to fill the parent widget (a wrapper widget which fills the Main Window).
The QSplitter is vertical, and each row contains a horizontal splitter.
I need each row to start at a height of say 100 pixels and be resizable, currently my rows fill the whole parent widget.
Infact I want the rows to stay at the same size unless the user manually resizes them, I also need to show a scrollbar if the total is bigger than the parent window.
This is what i have so far:
(do i need the VBoxLayout)ArrangeWidget::ArrangeWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { this->_mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); this->_mainSplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical); this->_mainSplitter->show(); this->_mainLayout->addWidget(this->_mainSplitter); this->setLayout(this->_mainLayout); } void ArrangeWidget::addRow() { QSplitter* row = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, this); Widget1* widget1 = new Widget1(); widget1->setMinimumSize(QSize(50,100)); row->addWidget(widget1); Widget2* widget2 = new Widget2(); row->addWidget(widget2); this->_mainSplitter->addWidget(row); row->show(); this->_mainSplitter->show(); }
What is
? -
sorry it was widget1. I've edited the post. (I changed the names to simplify the post)