Event propegation issue between MouseArea and MultiPointTouchArea
I have a question regarding the following problem that I'm having between mouse area and multitouch area. The problem that I'm having
is that mouse area does not detect the onClicked. There is a mouseEnabled property that allows you to handle mouse events(if true) or
allow pass through of the events so that they can be handled by other items underneath(if false). This pass through isn't working in my
situation.Does anybody have an idea why the multitouch area does not propegate the events to the mouse area.
Thank you in advance for the help.
Qml code(main.qml):
Window { id: mainWindow width: 1024 height: 768 minimumWidth: width minimumHeight: height maximumWidth: width maximumHeight: height MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { console.log(mouse.x) } } MultiPointTouchArea { anchors.fill: parent mouseEnabled: false onTouchUpdated: { console.log("onTouchUpdated") } onPressed: { console.log("onPressed") } onReleased: { console.log("onReleased") } onUpdated: { console.log("onUpdated") } minimumTouchPoints: 2 maximumTouchPoints: 2 touchPoints: [ TouchPoint { id: point1 }, TouchPoint { id: point2 } ] } }
Your code works for me. Are you using a touchscreen for testing? From my experience a MultiPointTouchArea can distinguish between a mouse click and a "touch click". The mouseEnabled property only works for actual mouse clicks, not a touch.