How to change position in a ColumnLayout
QML and Qt Quick
I am a newbie in QML and I made a "accordion" item. I modified a not complete QML project for that.
For that, I use PanelItems :Item { default property var contentItem: null property string title: "panel" id: root Layout.fillWidth: true height: 30 Layout.fillHeight: current property bool current: false ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 0 Rectangle { id: bar Layout.fillWidth: true height: 30 color: root.current ? "#81BEF7" : "#CEECF5" Text { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter text: root.title } Text { anchors{ right: parent.right top: bottom: parent.bottom margins: 10 } horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter text: "^" rotation: root.current ? "180" : 0 } MouseArea { id: dragArea anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor drag.axis: Drag.YAxis root onReleased: { console.log("release !") root.Drag.drop() } onClicked: { if (root.parent.current !== root) { console.log('test'); // if( (root.parent.currentItem !== null) ) // root.parent.currentItem.current = false; root.current = !root.current; root.parent.currentItem = root; } } } } Rectangle { id: container Layout.fillWidth: true bar.bottom implicitHeight: root.height - bar.height clip: true Behavior on implicitHeight { PropertyAnimation { duration: 100 } } } Component.onCompleted: { if(root.contentItem !== null) root.contentItem.parent = container; } } }
Now that I succeeded, I wanted to make it possible to swap position between two different PanelItems in the ColumnLayout while using "drag and drop" functionnalities.
At this time, I can drag and drop my items but I don't know how to swap positions between my items.
Here is my main :
ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 400 height: 400 ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 1 id: test property var currentItem: null PanelItem { title: "Panel 1" Rectangle { color: "orange" anchors.fill: parent } } PanelItem { title: "Panel 2" Rectangle { color: "lightgreen" anchors.fill: parent } } PanelItem { title: "Panel 3" Rectangle { color: "lightblue" anchors.fill: parent } } PanelItem { title: "Panel 4" Rectangle { color: "yellow" anchors.fill: parent } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true } } }
I read that I should maybe try to do it with a ListView but I can't make it works with my PanelItems.
Do you have any suggestion ? I am a bit lost with QML, Views etc.
Thanks a lot !