Qt3D physics aspect
Hi! I'm trying to figure out the best way forward for building a game in the new Qt3D introduced in Qt 5.7.
Specifically I wonder if there exist a solution of how to apply physics in the new implementation of Qt3D.
If I understand the architecture correctly this should be done using an Aspect, but I can't find anyone containing physics yet so maybe that's for future releases.If above assumptions are correct, am I supposed to create a QLogicAspect and call some third party library like for example Bullet Physics?
Or is there another way of doing this?Thanks in advance!
@SGaist: haha "aspect"... Nice. I've seen that and it's really cool though.
QtPhysics is interesting! I have stumbled upon it but in my confusion I've thought it was for the old Qt3D. But you're right it says Qt3D 2.x. I will give this a shot!
Thank you both! :)