Qt on iOS
@ambershark cache()
CONFIG += debug_and_release
QT += core gui multimedia script widgets xmlpatterns sql concurrent
ios { CONFIG -= bitcode DESTDIR = /tmp/Projects/IOS/Debug MOC_DIR = ./GeneratedFiles/IOS/Debug OBJECTS_DIR = /tmp/Projects/IOS/Debug/Intermediate/ChQuPhone RCC_DIR = ./GeneratedFiles/IOS UI_DIR = ./GeneratedFiles/IOS #CONFIG -= headerpad_max_install_names FORMS = ./Resources/ChForms/ChQuPhone.ui QMAKE_LFLAGS += -stdlib=libc++ #QMAKE_LFLAGS += #-F/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks \ #QMAKE_LFLAGS += -F/Projects/PortSIP/IOS QMAKE_IOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.2 LIBS += $$DESTDIR/libChFCd.a \ $$DESTDIR/libChPhoned.a \ $$DESTDIR/libChRSMd.a \ $$DESTDIR/libChQuGUIFCd.a \ $$DESTDIR/libChRSMSecurityd.a \ $$DESTDIR/libChRSMSessiond.a \ $$DESTDIR/libChScriptd.a \ \ $$DESTDIR/libChQuGUIScriptPlugind.a \ $$DESTDIR/libChRSMGUIFCd.a \ $$DESTDIR/libChQuScriptManagerd.a
@ambershark The iOS Qt build is/was static.
Up until recently that was not an option since the App Store rules expressly forbad dynamic libraries within an application. The rules have change and IIRC, if not 5.8 then 5.9 is built as shared frameworks.
@ambershark The iOS Qt build is/was static.
Up until recently that was not an option since the App Store rules expressly forbad dynamic libraries within an application. The rules have change and IIRC, if not 5.8 then 5.9 is built as shared frameworks.
Oops, I totally forgot about this. I'm so used to doing desktop stuff I completely forgot about the iOS static library thing. Glad you caught it before I wasted time trying to figure that out, lol. :)