Qt 4.7.3 and VS 2010 Setup
I've set up Qt before with VS (2005) at work (I found a website with details), but I'm trying to set it up at home (4.7.3%VS 2010) and I can't figure it out (I can't find said website). I have installed DirectX SDK and Windows SDK, but I seem to remember something else to install and having to move some files around so they were in the right location. Anyone out there know what I'm talking about how how to get it setup? I tried following some instructions I found that told me to use OpenSSL and Perl and a batch file, but that didn't work, either (couldn't even get "configure" to run). Please help me out quickly, I really need to get Qt up and running ASAP. Thanks so much in advance for any help.
I found my old post - someone was kind enough to respond to this with good instructions.
Note the response that uses jom - this tool significantly accelerated compile time.
My CPU fan died on me, so I'll need to wait for the replacement to move forward. I'm pretty sure I'm having issues with PHONON. I installed DirectX SDK and Windows SDK, but I seem to remember needing to move some files around and/or run .BAT files. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, feel free to reply. I'll try the above suggestion with JOM when I get a new CPU fan.
jom allows speeding up the overall compilation process. It will be used as a replacement of nmake which does not support multiple cores. "jom does":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2009/03/27/speeding-up-visual-c-qt-builds/ .
FYI - I just built Qt from the Visual Studio solution generated by the configure process. It used all available cores on my PC (six cores). It was necessary to create the x64 configuration for this, but that was a simple process, at least so far so good.
This does not speak to issue of configuring the build to achieve the goals re: DirectX SDK, although perhaps (and I'm guessing) the necessary configuration may be part of the solution file.
Sorry I'm not much help.
Here's the link to the solution to my problem (I think - it's been running nmake for hours, now):