What Qt Creator version to use for Qt 4.8.5 development?
I need to work on Qt 4.8.5 project created with QtQuick 1.1, and qmlproject file. I've tried Qt Creator 4.2.1 but it doesn't seem like the optimal version. (eg missing documentation help for Qt 4, don't have option to create Qt Quick 1.1 Application, etc) What would be the best Qt Creator version to use? And in general, what dev environment setup is ideal (tools, apps, versions, installation tips) I'll be using Ubuntu 16.04 for developing. I'm very new to Qt and QML so I've been banging my head alot. So any advice to help my soul would be greatly appreciated.
@WR-Micro said in What Qt Creator version to use for Qt 4.8.5 development?:
How would I do that to Qt Creator 4.2.1? I can't find how to do that. I do see "docs" directories but seems that Qt 5 and Qt 4 docs structures are different.
In Qt Creator, click on Tools -> Options... -> Help -> Documentation. Do you see the Qt 4.8 docs listed?