QCanBus on Qt5.8
When visiting the main page of Qt5.8, we can read "Fast & easy integration and communication with devices and peripherals using Qt Serial Bus API".
My problem is quite simple: my CAN connection works well with Qt5.7, but fails with Qt5.8.
I'm using a PEAK device, and I follow this example. It's a little bit different from the Qt5.7 version. e.gQCanBus::instance()->plugins()
returns a QStringList in Qt5.8 while it returned a QByteArray in Qt5.7 but anyway, I modified my code to match with these new prototypes.Here is a sample of my code:
if(QCanBus::instance()->plugins().contains(QStringLiteral("peakcan"))) { foreach (QString bus, listBus) //listBus contains usbbus0, usbbus1, usbbus2,... { device = QCanBus::instance()->createDevice("peakcan", bus); if(device!=nullptr) { // apply filters device->setConfigurationParameter(QCanBusDevice::BitRateKey, 500000);//500kbits/s device->setConfigurationParameter(QCanBusDevice::ReceiveOwnKey, false); //readonly device->setConfigurationParameter(QCanBusDevice::RawFilterKey, QVariant::fromValue(filterList)); if(device->connectDevice()) /******returns false******/ { //blablabla } }
always returns false, and I really don't get why.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance!Arnaud
I haven't used that module yet but did you try to print the value returned by QCanBusDevice::errorString ?
said in QCanBus on Qt5.8:
connectDevice() always returns false, and I really don't get why.
Did you read documentation? The PeakCAN still supports only one property as QCanBusDevice::BitRateKey!