Is there some way to 'automatize' plugin creation?
General and Desktop
When I make a change in my plugin:
- I build it
- I close the Qt Creator (or else the existing plugin cannot be overwritten )
- I move the plugin from folder: C:\Documents\QtProjects\Tml\build-Tml-Desktop_Qt_5_0_2_MSVC2010_32bit-Release\release to the folder G:\Qt\Qt5.0.2\Tools\QtCreator\bin\designer, so the existing plugin is overwritten.
- I re - open Qt Creator.
Is there some way to do all this automatically? (Qt Creator 2.7.0)
I use the "make install" feature
Look in "Installing Files"
You can then make it copy it .
Note for this to trigger. You must make a manual make step
I have ( in pro)
# if you are using Shadow build, you need to get the output folder CONFIG(release, debug|release): DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/release CONFIG(debug, debug|release): DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/debug install_it.path = $$DESTDIR/data install_it.files = $$PWD/copy_to_install_dir/* INSTALLS += \ install_it
This will copy the data folder in the project (copy_to_install_dir) to the build folder i folder called data . ( all files in copy_to_install_dir)
You can then just copy to plugin folder.