New Install of Qt 5.8.0 on macOS Hangs before finishing Install
New Install of Qt 5.8.0 on macOS Hangs before finishing Install
Screen shot show shows where it hangs, about 1/3 into install
Using mac x64 clang 5.8.0 dmg 1.4GBI've waited 1 hour for the hang to clear, nothing. Had to force quit installer
CPU quad cores all at 20% during hang,Rig is iMac with macOS 10.11.6 El Cap
Any tips on how to clear this?
No it's not normal, can you check whether the online installer works better ?
Yes, now switched over to using the Online 20GB installer and had partial success.
I saw the message "Downloads Completed" and is started into unzip and install sectionIt hang just after completing the section "GameController" unzip and install completed
This was about 90% into the install, almost to the end. That's where it hang, had the freezeI ran a very simple desktop app and that built and ran fine, so far so good
Desktop, and iOS kit setups look ok, not AndroidI do see an error in the Android kit setup, I won't need Android or iOS
Query, If I'm only doing desktop apps, is there a more complex example I could build and run to
validate the install is ok even with the hang? or other tip to validate my install is good to go? -
The online installer isn't so heavy. You can deselect everything you don't need and the installation will be much lighter.
You can test the examples from other modules e.g. QtSerialPort, QtMultimedia, etc.