QAbstractListModel derive from interface: SIGFAULT
I have the following class:
class ListModel : public QAbstractListModel, public IDataModel
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int currentIndex READ CurrentIndex NOTIFY currentIndexChanged)public:
//model API
enum Roles { ObjectRole = Qt::UserRole+1 };ListModel(QObject * aParent = 0);
virtual ~ListModel();
@This is the IDataModel interface:
class IDataModel
virtual ~IDataModel() {}virtual void AddItem(const ModelItemSharedPtr & aItem) = 0; virtual void Clear() = 0; virtual bool GetSelectedItem(ModelItemSharedPtr & aItem) = 0; virtual void SetPreviousItem() = 0; // To navigate through DataModel virtual void GoUp() = 0; virtual void GoDown() = 0; virtual void GoLeft() = 0; virtual void GoRight() = 0;
@When I run this code I always get a sigfault in the ScriptValueEngine of QML... If I do not use the ListModel (my derived class) there is no problem.
Does anyone have a suggestion, could this be a bug?
Sorry for my late reply! I'll give some more information:
I used my ListModel before (without deriving it from an interface) without any troubles. I use ListModel as follows:
class ListModel : public QAbstractListModel, public IDataModel
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int currentIndex READ CurrentIndex NOTIFY currentIndexChanged)public:
//model API
enum Roles { ObjectRole = Qt::UserRole+1 };ListModel(QObject * aParent = 0);
virtual ~ListModel();
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent;) const; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index;, int role) const; virtual void AddItem(const ModelItemSharedPtr & aItem); // >>>>IMPLEMENTED FROM IDATAMODEL virtual void SetPreviousItem(); // >>>>IMPLEMENTED FROM IDATAMODEL virtual void Clear(); // >>>>IMPLEMENTED FROM IDATAMODEL virtual bool GetSelectedItem(ModelItemSharedPtr & aItem); // >>>>IMPLEMENTED FROM IDATAMODEL virtual void GoUp(); // >>>>IMPLEMENTED FROM IDATAMODEL virtual void GoDown(); // >>>>IMPLEMENTED FROM IDATAMODEL virtual void GoLeft() {} // >>>>IMPLEMENTED FROM IDATAMODEL virtual void GoRight() {} // >>>>IMPLEMENTED FROM IDATAMODEL int CurrentIndex() const; void SetIndex(int aIndex); inline int count() const { return mItems.count(); }
void countChanged();
void currentIndexChanged();private:
int mCurrentIndex;
int mPrevIndex;
ItemList mItems;
@Source file:
#include "ListModel.h"ListModel::ListModel(QObject* aParent):
mCurrentIndex(START_POS), // Position in list starts from 0
QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
roles[ObjectRole] = "object";
}bool ListModel::GetSelectedItem(ModelItemSharedPtr & aItem)
bool lFound = false;if (ValidIndex(mCurrentIndex))
aItem = mItems[mCurrentIndex];
lFound = true;
}return lFound;
}void ListModel::AddItem(const ModelItemSharedPtr & aItem)
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), count(), count());
emit countChanged();
}QVariant ListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index;, int role) const
if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= count())
return QVariant();if (role == ObjectRole) return QVariant::fromValue((QObject*)(; return QVariant();
int ListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent;) const
return count();
}int ListModel::CurrentIndex() const
return mCurrentIndex;
}void ListModel::GoUp()
}void ListModel::GoDown()
}void ListModel::Clear()
// Goto first element in list
@ -
Interface IDataModel:
@#pragma once
#include "ModelItem.h"
class IDataModel
virtual ~IDataModel() {}virtual void AddItem(const ModelItemSharedPtr & aItem) = 0; virtual void Clear() = 0; virtual bool GetSelectedItem(ModelItemSharedPtr & aItem) = 0; virtual void SetPreviousItem() = 0; // To navigate through DataModel virtual void GoUp() = 0; virtual void GoDown() = 0; virtual void GoLeft() = 0; virtual void GoRight() = 0;
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(IDataModel, "mmi.IDataModel")
@I map ListModel to a QML listview:
ListView {
id: list
highlight: Rectangle {color: "darkgrey"; radius: 5}
y: 27
spacing: 2
width: parent.width
height: 196Component {
id: listDelegate
Item {
width: parent.width; height: listItem.height; x: 5Column { ListItem { id: listItem text: modelData.text subtext: modelData.subtext item_enabled: modelData.item_enabled } }
}delegate: listDelegate
@If I use this code (ListModel derived from IDataModel) the scriptengine of QML crashes! If I ONLY remove the interface there is no problem at all...
[quote author="Vass" date="1310546861"]1. I'm not sure, but I think name ListModel conflicting with qml ListModel component name 2. For QAbstractListModel inheritor you should define few virtual method, such as: rowCount, columnCount, data, etc.[/quote]
I tried to change ListModel to ListDataModel but that didn't help. Those virtual methods you are talking about I have implemented..